Category: Perennials
Create a Hummingbird Haven
Hummingbirds feed by sight and are attracted to highly-visible, nectar-producing plants.ย Below is a list of trees, shrubs and flowering…
Care of Fall Mums
Mums in our area (Ohio) are considered tender perennials โ which means extra care must be given toย ensure survival over…
Clematis Care
Nothing is more breathtaking than a trellis covered in a clematis in full bloom. Attractive spidery seed heads are left…
Butterfly Gardening
Requirements are plenty of sunshine, nectar-providing flowers, and preferably an area protected from prevailing winds. Lilac, butterfly bush or viburnum…
Pruning Hydrangeas
Reasons for pruning: 1. Remove any dead and diseased wood for the health of the plants. Do this before attempting…
Wet Weather Disease Prevention
Begin treating for Black Spot, Powdery Mildew, Downy Mildew and other fungal diseases before they appear. Crab apples and other…