Mon-Fri: 9-6pm

Sat: 9-5pm

Sun: 11-5

7171 Wooster Pike
Medina, OH 44256

A final winter prep before the snow flies makes for easier spring clean-up.


  • Final fall clean up!
  • Bring in garden hoses and drain outdoor faucets.
  • Clean and store garden tools.
  • Finish planting spring blooming bulbs.
  • Remove fallen leaves from your lawn and gutters.
  • Decorate window boxes for the holidays before the soil freezes.
  • Prepare a planting hole now for your live Christmas tree. Store soil in a wheel barrel in the garage so it’s not frozen when it’s time to plant the tree.
  • Protect roses from cold winter winds by laying a 10-12” mound of mulch or compost at the base, for extra protection wrap with burlap or cover with a vented frost guard.
  • WiltStop spray seals in moisture to protect shrubs from winter burn, and extends the life of cut live greens.


  • Wash dust from your houseplants. Let them rest during the winter months … don’t overwater and reduce or stop fertilizing them.

Click here to see our November/December sales and events!

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