Mon-Fri: 9-6pm

Sat: 9-5pm

Sun: 11-5

7171 Wooster Pike
Medina, OH 44256

July Gardening Tips

During the hot, humid days of July it’s important to water, weed and scout for insects and disease.

Protecting plants early from insect or disease is much easier than treating problems later.  Watch for early signs of beetles, cabbage worms, powdery mildew and rust in the lawn.


  • When watering lawns or beds, do so in the morning if possible to prevent diseases.  Also water more deeply every 3 or 4 days.  Generally ¼” of water a week will keep grass alive, and 1-2” a week will keep it green and healthy in times of drought.
  • Apply Step 3 such as Scott’s ProLawn or Greenview’s Green Power lawn fertilizer to maintain a fertile and healthy lawn through the summer.  This application contains extra iron to green up your lawn.
  • Apply Scott’s GrubEx or Bayer Advanced 24 Hour Grub Killer Plus towards the end of the month if you didn’t apply it in June to kill grubs, Japanese Beetle larvae, and other turf-feeding insects.
  • Trim hedges to give your landscape a tidy and lush look.


  • Continue to keep weeds under control by pulling, using Preen as directed, or hoeing the old fashioned way.
  • Pests love warm weather, visit our Garden Center and we will review and help you manage pest issues.
  • Stir mulch in and around your beds to allow water and air to reach root zones.
  • Remove spent annual & perennial blossoms for continued blooming. Fertilize to push new growth and bloom.
  • Net your blueberry bushes to prevent the birds from getting the berries.
  • Apply water to your gardens – provide equivalent to an inch or two per week.


Click here to see our July sales and events!  For more advice, see our Helpful Handouts.

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