Mon-Fri: 9-5pm

Sat: 9-5pm

Sun: Closed

7171 Wooster Pike
Medina, OH 44256

Month: August 2016

  • Butterfly Gardening

    Requirements are plenty of sunshine, nectar-providing flowers, and preferably an area protected from prevailing winds. Lilac, butterfly bush or viburnum…

  • Pruning Hydrangeas

    Reasons for pruning: 1. Remove any dead and diseased wood for the health of the plants. Do this before attempting…

  • How to Identify and Treat Blossom End Rot

    Tomato with Blossom End Rot How to Identify and Treat Blossom-end rot is a disorder that affects tomatoes, peppers, and…

  • Wet Weather Disease Prevention

    Begin treating for Black Spot, Powdery Mildew, Downy Mildew and other fungal diseases before they appear. Crab apples and other…

  • Insect & Pest Control

    Stop Bugs, Slugs and Things that munch โ€“ before they chomp! Japanese Beetles โ€“ Use Bayer 12 Month Tree &…